Dr. Rami Hamed Center Dubai
Every woman (and man) sooner or late will reach the stage of menopause. Natural menopause starts at the age of 48-51 years old. It happens when ovaries stop their function. They are running out of egg cells and as a result they are unable to produce oestrogen and progesterone as it was usually.
Menopause itself is the last menstrual period in woman’s life. But we can confirm it only retrospectively after 12 months.
In most cases the age of menopause is determined by genes, but environment also can influence the timing of the menopause.
Once the woman enters menopause her condition is characterized by estrogen deficiency and she starts having different bothersome symptoms:
Not every woman will suffer from menopausal symptoms but every woman will have metabolic consequences of the menopause. 75% of all women worldwide will report having the symptoms mentioned above and one-third of them will have moderate and severe symptoms and will need treatment. The mode of treatment depends on many factors – the severity of the symptoms, current/past medical history and family history, woman’s cultural and personal preferences. The most effective treatment is HRT – hormonal replacement therapy. Non-hormonal treatment is also available but it is less effective.
Unfortunately, many women are not aware of the availability of treatment for menopause symptoms. Another problem is that physicians are reluctant to prescribe the appropriate medication due to a lack of appropriate training. This happened due to certain reasons. Fortunately, the situation has been changed recently. More and more women are now aware of the problems related to menopause and about the treatment options. at Dr. Rami Hamed Center
Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic at DRHC provides top gynecologists in Dubai to enhance the services on Cosmetic Gynecology, Surgical Gynecology, Contraception, Menopause, Labiaplasty, and so on. DRHC also offers hormone replacement therapy in Dubai. If you are looking for doctors who treat menopause near Dubai Healthcare City you should contact DRHC on +97142798200.