DRHC Dubai Gynecology Clinic

Types of Contraception - DRHC Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic


Periodic Abstinence:

  • Periodic abstinence emphasizes awareness and abstinence shortly before and after the estimated ovulation period.
  • It requires regular, predictable menstrual cycles.
  • The average effectiveness is relatively low (55% to 80%).

To know the price of contraceptive injection in Dubai DRHC, call +97142798200. DRHC is one of the few clinics that offer Injectable Contraceptive Medicine in Dubai.

Barrier Methods and Spermicides:

There are various barrier methods for contraceptives:

  • Male condoms have an efficacy of 85% - 90%
    • Condoms offer protection against HIV and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections)
  • Female condoms are a pouch of Polyurethane, it has a flexible ring at each end one ring fits into the depth of the vagina, and the other stays outside near the introitus.
    • The failure rate is 20% - 25%
    • They also protect against many STIs
  • Diaphragm: The vaginal diaphragm is a dome-shaped latex rubber sheet that is placed into the vagina so that it covers the cervix.
    • It should be placed in the vagina before intercourse and left in place for 6-8 hours after intercourse.
    • The effectiveness rate is 80% - 85% when used with spermicide
    • If the diaphragm is left too long, infection and toxic shock may occur.
  • Cervical cap: It is a small, soft, silicon cap to be inserted over the cervix by the clinician and must be used with spermicidal jelly
    • Its efficacy rate is 68% - 84%
  • Spermicides: has various forms as cream, gel, and suppositories
    • The most widely used are nonoxynol-9 and otoxynol-9
    • Should be placed in the vagina 30 minutes before intercourse
    • Effectiveness reached 70& - 75% when used alone.

Intra-Uterine Devices:

Two IUDs are available: The copper-T IUD and the levonorgestrel intrauterine system (Mirena).

  • Copper-T IUD is used in women who have oral contraceptives and are contraindicated as well as women who are at low risk of STIs and monogamous women.
  • Levonorgestrel or Mirena IUD in Dubai DRHC: This is used in women with menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, post-menopause women receiving estrogen, endometriosis, and endometrial hyperplasia. To know more about levonorgestrel in DRHC Dubai, call on +97142798200.
  • The failure rate is 0.8% in copper-T and 0.2% in Mirena
  • Side effects: Although IUD is extremely safe, uncommon side effects and complications can be potentially severe and dangerous. These include pain and bleeding, pregnancy, expulsion, perforation, and infection.

To know more about Copper T/levonorgestrel IUD prices, contact us on +97142798200

Hormonal Contraceptive Methods:

This method consists of:

  • Combined estrogen and progesterone (Oral, Transdermal, vaginal)
  • Progesterone only (Oral, Injectable, implantable, intrauterine)

Combined estrogen and progesterone:

  • Oral administration
  • Monophasic: fixed-dose in each tablet. There is the 21 day tablet and the 24 day tablet such as (Yaz) as well as the seasonal 84 day tablet and the yearly 365 day tablet.
  • Multiphasic: Dose varying in tablets to mimic the menstrual cycle.

The advantages:

  • Decrease the risk of ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and benign breast masses.
  • Decrease menstrual pain and reduce blood loss.
  • Suppresses endometriosis and reduces acne

The disadvantages:

  • Pills are associated with a higher risk of cervical dysplasia.
  • Pills are high risk for smokers and hypertensive women.
  • Transdermal (Ortho Evra) women apply one patch each week for 3 weeks followed by one week free
  • Vaginal Nuvaring: it is placed in the vagina for 3 weeks and is removed for 1 week to allow for withdrawal bleeding.

Progesterone only:

Minipills: Women should take it daily without stopping at the same time each day. Minipills are ideal for nursing mothers and women who cannot take estrogen including women with hypertension, coronary artery disease, lupus, migraine, thromboembolism and smokers over 35 years.

The Injectable Progesterone (Depo-Provera);

  • It acts by suppressing ovulation for 14 weeks, thickening the cervical mucus, and making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation.
  • Side effects include irregular menstrual bleeding, depression, weight gain, hair loss, and headache.
  • Women should be encouraged to take calcium, vitamin D, smoking cessation, and exercise.

The Implantable Progesterone:

  • Nexplanon is a single-rode subdermal implant that provides 5 years of contraceptive coverage.
  • Jadelle is a two-rod implantable subdermal implant that provides 5 years of contraceptive coverage.
  • Side effects of implantable progesterone are irregular and unpredictable light bleeding.

Surgical Sterilization:

  • Tubal sterilization: It could be;
    • Postpartum sterilization
    • Laparoscopic tubal ligation
    • Hysteroscopic tubal occlusion (Essure)
  • Vasectomy: which is ligation of the vas defereus.

Book An Appointment

If you are in search of a family planning clinic Dubai DRHC offers you the best services. Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic at DRHC now provides the best Gynecologist in Dubai to enhance the service on Cosmetic Gynecology, Surgical Gynecology, Contraception, Abortion, and Menopause. We offer services related to depo provera, mirena iud, levonorgestrel, nuvaring, copper t, and IUD removal in the Dubai clinic. Contact DRHC Dubai for advice on birth control methods. To book an appointment call +97142798200.

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