Dubai Radiology Center
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    BMD Report

BMD/DEXA SCAN - Dubai Radiology Center 

BMD (Bone Mineral Densitometry) also known as DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) is a test used to measure bone mineral density; it is commonly used to screen osteoporosis or metabolic diseases affecting the skeleton and to screen for fracture risk, BMD/DEXA is available at our Dubai Radiology Center.

How does it work?

It is just like having an X-ray but with lesser radiation. You will then be asked to lie down and will be positioned accordingly. Once scanning starts, low dose of X-radiation is produced and once finished, all images will be analyzed and processed to achieve the result.

Our BMD/DEXA scan is the DMS STRATOS DR:

  • Bone Mass Measurement
  • Accurate for Diagnosing Osteoporosis & Fracture Risk
  • Fast exam time: 30 seconds per site
  • Complete solution: Multi-site exams and Whole Body
  • DVA: Digital Vertebral Assessment – lateral image of the spine
  • Automatic ROI (Region of Interest) Selection
  • Bone Age Detection
  • Relax and Comfortable Patient Position

Who can have DEXA Scan/BMD?

  • Usually, women/men and rarely in children

Why DEXA scan/BMD?

  • For Bone Mass Measurement
  • For Bone Age Detection
  • Conditions associated with bone loss such as osteoporosis and osteopenia


  • Very low dosage of Ionizing radiation (X-ray)

Routine Operating Procedure in BMD/DEXA:

  • Doctor’s request is reviewed first by the staff radiographer.
  • Safety questions are asked. (confirmation of Name & DOB and pregnancy screening for females)
  • Hospital gowns are provided.
  • Patient’s personal belongings (including phone, credit cards, money, etc.) are all placed in the locker provided.
  • Radiographer will explain what the position will be and how much time it will take to finish the exam.
  • BMD/DEXA exam is painless, fast and exposed to a low dose of radiation. It is important that you remain perfectly still while the images are being recorded.

Related topics:

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