DRHC Dubai Gynecology Clinic

Cervical Carcinoma - DRHC Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic


In 99.7% of cases, HPV causes a pre-cancerous change in the cervical cells that develop into cancer.

  • Oncogenic subtypes of HPV are: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, and 58.
  • Non-oncogenic subtypes are: 6 and 11, which cause low-grade cervical lesions and genital warts.

Risk Factors:

  • Smoking
  • HIV infection
  • COCP


  • Squamous cell carcinoma 70-80%.
  • Adenocarcinoma 20%.
  • Rare forms include malignant melanomas, sarcomas, lymphomas, and small cell carcinoma.


  • Post-coital bleeding.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding.
  • Postmenopausal bleeding.
  • Persistent, offensive, blood-stained discharge.
  • Pain (in late disease).
  • Thrombosis in the pelvic veins causes a swelling legs.


  • Colposcopy to examine the cervix.
  • Cervical biopsy.
  • MRI pelvic to assess the tumor volume, size, local invasion, and pelvic lymph node spread.
  • CT of the abdomen and chest to look for metastases.


  1. Stage I: The carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix.
    • IA: Microscopic invasive carcinoma
      • IA 1: Stromal invasion ≤ 3 mm diameter ≤ 7 mm.
      • IA 2: Stromal invasion ˃ 3 mm diameter ˃ 7 mm.
    • IB: Lesion ˃ 7 mm wide or ˃ 5 mm deep or visible.
      • IB 1: Clinical lesion ≤ 4 cm.
      • IB 2: Clinical lesion ˃ 4 cm.
  2. Stage II: Carcinoma extends beyond the cervix but not to the pelvic wall or lower third of the vagina.
    • II A: Involvement of up to two-thirds of the vagina.
    • II B: Involvement of the para-metrium.
  3. Stage III: Carcinoma extends to the pelvic wall and lower third of the vagina.
    • III A: Involvement of the lower one-third of the vagina.
    • III B: Extended onto a pelvic wall or/and hydro-nephrosis or non-functioning kidney.
  4. Stage IV: Carcinoma extends beyond the true pelvis or involvement of the bladder or rectum.
    • IV A: Spread to adjacent pelvic organs.
    • IV B: Distant metastasis.

For more information, please do not hesitate to call us.

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Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic at DRHC now provides top male and female gynecologists in Dubai to enhance the service on Cosmetic Gynecology, Surgical Gynecology, Contraception, Menopause, Labiaplasty, and so on. To book an appointment call +97142798200.

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