
Hypertension - Dubai Cardiology Clinic

All about Hypertension. DRHC has one of the best Cardiologist in dubai.

Hypertension is also called as high blood pressure. It can cause severe complications and surge the risk of heart disease, stroke and death. The force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels is Blood pressure. The pressure actually relies on the work accomplished by the heart and also includes the resistance of blood vessels. DRHC has one of the best hypertension clinic in Dubai.

Fast facts on hypertension:

Blood pressure is normal when it is 120 over 80 mm of mercury (mmHg). If it is higher than 130 over 80 mmHg, it is considered elevated. Acute hypertension can be triggered by stress, but it may also occur without any apparent cause or as a result of an underlying condition, such as kidney disease.

If left unmanaged, hypertension can lead to serious complications, including heart attacks, strokes, and other health issues. Lifestyle factors are a major contributor to high blood pressure.

There are two types of hypertension: essential (or primary) hypertension, where no specific cause is identified, and secondary hypertension, where an underlying cause is found.


The causes of hypertension are often unknown. However, chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common contributor to high blood pressure because the kidneys are unable to filter fluid effectively. This excess fluid can lead to hypertension.


Blood pressure is best managed through a balanced diet with reduced salt intake, regular exercise, and stress reduction. A variety of medications are available for treating hypertension, and the choice of drug depends on the individual and any other conditions they may have. Contact DRHC for hypertension medication in Dubai.

Hypertension signs and symptoms:

Blood pressure is measured using a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure monitor. Short-term increases in blood pressure can be a normal response to situations such as acute stress or intense exercise. A diagnosis of hypertension typically requires multiple readings over time to confirm consistently high blood pressure.

The systolic reading (130 mmHg) measures the pressure when the heart pumps blood throughout the body, while the diastolic reading (80 mmHg) measures the pressure when the heart is at rest between beats. A significantly high reading may indicate a medical emergency, requiring immediate attention. DRHC is one of the best heart hospitals in Dubai and provides medication for high blood pressure.



Dubai Cardiology clinic at Dr Rami Hamed Center provides you one of the best cardiologist in dubai for treating hypertension, heart failureischemic heart disease, holter monitoring, stress test, chest pain and echocardiography . If you are in search of best doctor for blood pressure near Dubai healthcare City, you should definitely contact DRHC.


Dr. M. Adib Nanaa

Specialist Cardiologist

