
Sleep Apnea - DRHC Dubai ENT Clinic DRHC

Make a general examination, looking for any craniofacial abnormalities.

  • Listen carefully for stertor while awake, or asleep.
  • Watch for mouth breathing.
  • Carry out an oral examination, to determine the size of the tonsils.

These can be graded by 2 Methods:

The Brodsky score

  1. Tonsils in fossa
  2. Tonsils occupying up to 25% of the airway
  3. 26% to 50%
  4. 51% to 75%
  5. more than 75%

The Friedman score

  1. No tonsils
  2. Tonsil within pillars
  3. Tonsil beyond pillars
  4. Tonsil extending to the midline
  5. Tonsils touching in the midline.
  • Examine the nose to establish whether there is coexisting rhinitis and whether there is likely to be adenoid hypertrophy.
  • Examine the ears for coexisting otitis media with effusion.
  • Look for neck lymphadenopathy

How to confirm the diagnosis of sleep apnea

  • Oximetry overnight for observation of the O2 saturation and heart rate
  • Polysomnography
  • Nasolaryngoscopy
  • Imaging for the airway and mandible
  • Laboratory tests

How to manage sleep apnea

  • Diet and exercise to reduce the bulky tissue around the airway passage
  • Medicines for treating adenoids, allergy GERD etc.
  • Adenoidectomy with or without tonsillectomy or tonsillotomy
  • Jaw distraction in micrognathia (small mandible) or big tong tongue etc.
  • Oral appliance
  • Tongue reduction if the tongue was big
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) may be required in children where treatment is not possible.

Indications for pediatric respiratory investigations

  • Diagnosis of OSA unclear or inconsistent
  • Age <2 years
  • Weight <15 kg
  • Down syndrome
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Hypotonia or neuromuscular disorders
  • Craniofacial anomalies
  • Mucopolysaccharidosis
  • Obesity (BMI >2.5 SDS (standard deviation scores),
  • Significant comorbidity such as congenital heart disease,
  • chronic lung disease
  • Residual symptoms after adenotonsillectomy

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Dubai ENT clinic - If you are in search of ENT specialist in Dubai, then DRHC provides experienced and leading ENT doctor in Dubai for the healthy treatment. To book your an appointment please call at +97142798200 today!

