Sexually Transmitted Diseases Dubai DRHC

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) - DRHC Dubai Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

What is HPV?

HPV is a group of papillomavirus, it can occur in both men and women. DRHC provides all kinds of treatment facilities for STD tests in Dubai. DRHC offers highly confidential HPV treatment in Dubai. HPV test in Dubai is carried out with high confidentiality. DRHC also provides Gardasil vaccine in Dubai.

Signs and symptoms:

The papillomavirus is presented as:

  • Lesions of the mucous membranes and skin diseases.
  • Cervical lesions (condyloma).
  • Discomfort intimate.
  • Although this virus usually heals itself, there are cases in which, if neglected for many years, may develop into tumors.
  • In men no symptoms.

How is it transmitted?

More than 40 types of the virus are transmitted by sexual activity and saliva (kissing). DRHC is one of the hospitals that offer HPV vaccines in the UAE.

How to cure?

In general, there is no cure for HPV. They try to remove it by laser surgery, but it can occur again later in life.

What is the HPV test?

The HPV test is a diagnostic tool that allows you to check if there are changes in the cervical cells even before they are visible to the Pap test.

During testing, we proceed with the removal of cells from the cervix, just as with the Pap test. The sample is immersed in a liquid and then sent to a laboratory for analysis. The test should not be done if it is in place during the menstrual cycle or if you are using ova or douching. DRHC provides treatment for all kinds of std diseases including genital warts treatment in Dubai.

HPV Vaccine - HPV vaccine Dubai:

The best prevention against this disease is the vaccine papillomavirus. This is not a mandatory vaccination. The vaccine has been proven very effective to also combat genital warts. The efficacy is 100% when administered to young people who are not yet sexually active, the HPV vaccine is given in 3 shots. The second shot is given 1 or 2 months after the first shot. Then a third shot is given 6 months after the first shot.

Vaccination is the approved public health intervention for reducing the risk of developing HPV-associated cancers at sites other than the cervix. The combination of HPV vaccination and cervical screening can provide the greatest protection against cervical cancer. It is important that as many people as possible get vaccinated. DRHC is one of the leading medical centers that provides HIV Tests Dubai and HPV Tests in Dubai.

Book An Appointment

STD clinic Dubai - Visit our center for treatment of all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases / venereal diseases such as HIV, HIV symptoms, HIV test, HPV, HPV test, HPV vaccine, HPV symptoms, gonorrhea, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, STD testing, STD disease, chlamydia trachomatis. To book your appointment please call +97142798200 today

