Dubai Sexually Transmitted Diseases Clinic DRHC
Is a form of sexually transmitted infection and is the leading cause of genital painful ulcers
Although transmission of HSV infections generally results from intimate skin to- skin contact with an infected individual, it can also result from exposure to infected saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, or fluid from active herpetic lesions.
There is a tingling or burning feeling in the genital area, and then a crop of small vesicles appears. After 24 hours, these vesicles break or split as a result of internal pressure, leaving small, red, painful ulcers.
The virus usually affects the shaft of the penis but can involve the glans and coronal sulcus, and the anus.
Blisters develop around the opening of, and just inside, the vagina and sometimes on the cervix and anus.
After the first infection, the herpes virus remains deep in the nerves that supply the affected area of the skin. Half of those who have the first episode have recurrent attacks; the others have no recurrences A recurrence, not a reinfection. The infection results from the reactivation of a latent virus. It is very important to see a doctor immediately because If started at the first prodromal symptoms or sign of a recurrence, a treatment of episodic outbreaks will not only reduce the severity and duration of lesions but may also completely abort the clinical attack, stopping the lesions from progressing beyond the papule stage.
If you think you have herpes, see your doctor. You should not have intercourse during an attack, because you are likely to transmit the infection to your partner.
Your doctor can prescribe a special antiviral drug to reduce the severity of the attack. The drug is most effective if started on the first day of the infection. Prevention/ Latex condoms are impermeable to passage of the HSV-2.
Dubai Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD) clinic - best sexually transmitted disease treatments in Dubai. Visit our center for treatment of all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases / venereal diseases such as HIV, HIV symptoms, HIV test, HPV, HPV test, HPV vaccine, HPV symptoms, neisseria gonorrhoeae, STD testing, STD disease, chlamydia trachomatis .DRHC provides treatment for the most common std in Dubai. To book an appointment with an STD specialist in Dubai DRHC, contact +97142798200.