Laparoscopic Hernia Repair Clinic DRHC Dubai
Inguinal hernia is one of the most common types of hernias and is known to account for 2/3 of hernia conditions. Since more than 90% of hernia patients are known to be men, the condition of Inguinal hernia is also more common within the male population. It has two types: either unilateral or bilateral
Inguinal hernia is a condition wherein the patients experience a bulge or protrusion in the groin or scrotum area. This bulge occurs when fatty or intestinal tissue pushes through the inguinal canal, which is located at the base of the abdomen. This bulge can be painful especially when the patient coughs, bends over, or even lifts a heavy object. The weak area of the inguinal canal is usually at the site of the passaging spermatic cord to the scrotum in males, or the ligament supporting uterus in females.
Read: Latest techniques of Laparoscopic hernia repair
Many patients do not experience any symptoms of the condition except for a noticeable bulge in the pubic or groin area. However, the other common symptoms that are generally associated with inguinal hernia include the following.
In most cases, the patients are able to gently push the bulge back into the abdomen and it might even reduce in size and gradually disappear on its own when they lie down.
In some cases, An incarcerated inguinal hernia occurs when the tissue becomes stuck in the groin and isn’t reducible, this means it can’t be pushed back into place. Strangulated Inguinal Hernias are a more serious medical condition because it means that the intestine tissue has its blood flow cut off. Its Symptoms include:
(Visit the emergency room immediately when these symptoms occur)
Read: How to do Laparoscopic Hernia Repair?
Read: 20 Q&A about Laparoscopic Hernia Repair
An Inguinal Hernia is diagnosed by an experienced Hernia Specialist through:
Read: Experience and vision of Laparoscopic Hernia Repair
Abdominal wall hernias, including Inguinal Hernias, cannot improve over time and cannot be treated with pharmaceuticals, so, surgery is the treatment of choice.
A hernia specialist advises conducting a Laparoscopic Hernia surgery with a mesh, where the abdomen is insufflated with gas (CO2), an Endoscope and surgical instruments are inserted through small holes in the abdominal wall, then release the hernial sack away from the muscles of the abdominal wall, and finally close the defect in the muscles and support it with a mesh.
*Find out more about Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Cost*
Our Hernia Surgery Clinic at DRHC provides the best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Dubai, with wide experience in Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery, Inguinal Hernia Surgery, Umbilical Hernia surgery, Hiatal Hernia Surgery, Hernia repair with mesh, and much more. To book your an Appointment please call at +97142798200.