DRHC Dubai Urology Clinic

Kidney Stones at DRHC Dubai

Understanding Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys. They can affect any part of your urinary tract, from your kidneys to your bladder. Passing kidney stones can be extremely painful, and they may cause complications if not treated promptly.

Causes of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones form when your urine contains more crystal-forming substances — such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid — than the fluid in your urine can dilute. Several factors increase the risk of kidney stones, including:

  • Dehydration: Not drinking enough fluids can lead to concentrated urine, which allows minerals to crystallize and stick together.
  • Diet: High intake of protein, sodium, and sugar can increase the risk of certain types of kidney stones.
  • Family History: A family history of kidney stones increases your risk. 
  • Obesity: High body mass index (BMI), weight gain, and certain medical conditions linked to obesity can increase your risk.
  • Digestive Diseases: Gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease, or chronic diarrhea can cause changes in the digestive process, affecting the absorption of calcium and water, leading to stone formation.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones may not cause symptoms until they move within your kidney or pass into your ureters. Common symptoms include:

  • Severe Pain: Sharp pain in the back, side, lower abdomen, or groin. 
  • Urinary Symptoms: Painful urination, frequent urination, or urgency to urinate. 
  • Blood in Urine: Pink, red, or brown urine.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Often accompanying severe pain.
  • Cloudy or Foul-Smelling Urine: Indicating a urinary tract infection, which can occur with kidney stones.
  • Fever and Chills: If an infection is present.

Diagnosis of Kidney Stones

At DRHC Dubai, we use advanced diagnostic techniques to accurately identify kidney stones:

  1. Imaging Tests: Non-contrast CT scans are the gold standard for detecting kidney stones. Ultrasound and X-rays may also be used.
  2. Urine Testing: 24-hour urine collection tests to measure the levels of stone-forming substances.
  3. Blood Tests: Checking for high levels of calcium or uric acid. 
  4. Stone Analysis: Testing passed stones to determine their composition, which helps in preventing future stones.

Treatment for Kidney Stones

The treatment of kidney stones depends on their size, type, and location, as well as the severity of your symptoms. At DRHC Dubai, we offer a range of treatment options:

  • Conservative Management: For small stones, increasing fluid intake, pain management, and medications to help pass the stones naturally.
  • Medications: Prescribing medications to relax the muscles of the ureter, helping pass the stone more easily, or to prevent the formation of stones.
  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL): Using sound waves to break stones into smaller pieces that can be passed more easily.
  • Ureteroscopy: A thin tube is inserted through the urethra to the stone location, allowing the stone to be removed or broken up with a laser.
  • Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A surgical procedure for large or complex stones where a small incision is made in the back to remove the stones directly from the kidney.

Preventing Kidney Stones

Preventing kidney stones involves addressing the underlying causes and making lifestyle changes. At DRHC Dubai, we provide:

  • Dietary Counseling: Tailored advice on diet modifications to reduce the risk of stone formation.
  • Hydration Strategies: Guidance on proper fluid intake to prevent stone formation. 
  • Medications: Prescribing medications that can help prevent the formation of certain types of stones.
  • Regular Monitoring: Ongoing assessment and monitoring to detect and prevent recurrence.

Why Choose DRHC Dubai?

At DRHC Dubai, we are committed to providing comprehensive care for individuals with kidney stones. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists, including urologists, nephrologists, and dietitians, work together to deliver personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs. Utilizing advanced diagnostic tools and the latest treatment techniques, we ensure you receive the highest standard of care.

Book An Appoinment

If you are in search of the best Urology clinic in Dubai or an urologist in Dubai, then call on +97142798200 for consultation with our consultant urologist. Dubai at Urology Clinic - DRHC offers the best urologist for Kidney in Dubai. Our DRHC is headed by a urologist with several years of experience.

