
Premature Ejaculation (PE) - in Dubai at DRHC Urology Clinic

Our Dubai urology clinic has established a state of art protocol to diagnose and treat Premature ejaculation using the latest diagnostic and treatments options.

Premature ejaculation PE occurs when a man ejaculates very fast during sexual intercourse than he would like.

It is a common sexual complaint, as 1 out of 3 men have Premature ejaculation PE.

Premature ejaculation PE can lead to a delay of conception (have a baby).

Many factors can cause Premature ejaculation PE, but psychological and biological factors are the most common.

Understanding Premature Ejaculation PE

Premature ejaculation is characterized by the inability to delay ejaculation for a satisfactory period during sexual activity, leading to frustration for both partners. It is typically classified into two types:

  • Lifelong (primary). This type of premature ejaculation PE occurs all of the time beginning from first sexual encounters.
  • Acquired (secondary). This type of premature ejaculation PE develops after a previous sexual experience without premature ejaculatory problems previously.

Causes in Premature Ejaculation PE

Premature ejaculation (PE) can have various causes, both physical and psychological. It's often a combination of factors rather than a single cause. Here are some common causes of premature ejaculation:

  1. Psychological Factors:
    • Performance Anxiety: Anxiety about sexual performance or satisfying a partner can lead to premature ejaculation.
    • Stress: High levels of stress can interfere with sexual performance and contribute to PE.
    • Relationship Issues: Problems within a relationship, such as unresolved conflicts or lack of emotional intimacy, can contribute to PE.
    • Depression: Depression can affect sexual function and lead to premature ejaculation.
    • Guilt or Shame: Feelings of guilt or shame related to sex or previous sexual experiences can contribute to PE.
  2. Biological Factors:
    • Abnormal Hormone Levels: Imbalances in hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, or testosterone, can affect ejaculation control.
    • Abnormal Reflex Activity: Certain conditions, such as inflammation of the urethra or prostate, can cause abnormal reflex activity that leads to PE.
    • Genetics: Some studies suggest that genetics may play a role in premature ejaculation.
    • Nerve Damage: Damage to the nerves that control ejaculation, often due to surgery or injury, can lead to PE.
    • Infections: Infections of the prostate or urethra can cause premature ejaculation.
  3. Behavioral Factors:
    • Masturbation Habits: Certain masturbation habits, such as rushing to ejaculate, can contribute to PE.
    • Sexual Behavior: Infrequent sexual activity or long periods of abstinence can lead to PE.
    • Sensitivity: Some men may have hypersensitivity in the penis, leading to quick ejaculation.
    • Learned Behavior: Early sexual experiences that involve rushing to ejaculate, often due to guilt or fear of being caught, can contribute to PE.
  4. Medical Conditions:
    • Erectile Dysfunction: Men with erectile dysfunction may develop a pattern of rushing to ejaculate, which can lead to premature ejaculation.
    • Prostate Problems: Conditions such as prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) or an enlarged prostate can contribute to PE.
    • Thyroid Problems: Thyroid disorders can affect hormone levels and contribute to sexual dysfunction, including PE.


  • Behavioral Techniques: Techniques such as the start-stop method and the squeeze technique can help improve ejaculatory control.
  • Counseling or Therapy: Counseling can address underlying psychological factors contributing to PE, such as anxiety or relationship issues.
  • Medications: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as sertraline or paroxetine, may be prescribed to help delay ejaculation.
  • Topical Anesthetics: Topical creams or sprays containing anesthetic agents can reduce penile sensitivity and delay ejaculation.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, stress management, and avoiding excessive alcohol or illicit drug use, can improve sexual function.


That are low intensity shockwaves or piezo waves equipment which are applied directly on the penis in different areas with impulses hits directly the cavernous tissue.

PRP, P-Shot.

Plasma riches platelet serum which is collected from venous blood after centrifugation and injected directly into the cavernous tissue.

Stem cell therapy

Stem cells are now collected from abdominal fats, then entered a specific machine to isolate and clarify the stem cells, then injected directly inside cavernous tissue.

Medical drugs

  • Oral medications
  • Topical medical applicants

Why Choose DRHC Dubai?

  • Experienced Specialists: Our team includes highly trained urologists and sexual health experts with extensive experience in treating premature ejaculation.
  • Personalized Care: We offer customized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs and preferences.
  • Advanced Treatments: Utilizing the latest medical advancements and therapeutic techniques to ensure the best outcomes.
  • Confidential and Compassionate Environment: We prioritize patient comfort and confidentiality, providing a supportive and understanding atmosphere.


Premature ejaculation is a manageable condition, and effective treatment can significantly improve sexual satisfaction and overall well-being. At DRHC Dubai, our dedicated team is here to help you overcome premature ejaculation with personalized and compassionate care. Don't let PE affect your quality of life.

Dubai Urology Clinic - DRHC offers best medicine for Premature ejaculation in Dubai. Call us +97142798200 for sexual treatment in DRHC Dubai. We have an ED specialist who has years of experience in Premature ejaculation treatment (ED treatment).

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