
Male Infertility - in Dubai at DRHC Andrology Clinic

Our expert team in male infertility and subfertility follows a clear protocol to reach the diagnosis and solve the problem with a very high success rate. DRHC offers the best andrologist in Dubai as well as the best fertility clinic in Dubai. Semen Analysis in DRHC Dubai fertility clinic provides results within 1 day. To consult with a urologist for male infertility, call on +97142798200.

Male Infertility

Infertility is the failure of a sexually active couple to achieve conception in one year. It is better described as 'subfertility' as many causes of failure to conceive are relative and can be treated.

Causes of infertility or subfertility

  1. Congenital or acquired urogenital anomalies
  2. Urogenital tract infections
  3. Increased scrotal temperature (a consequence of varicocele)
  4. Endocrine disturbances
  5. Genetic abnormalities
  6. Immunological factors

In 30% of cases, no male infertility-associated factor is found which may be explained by many environmental factors.

Read: Can I have children if I don’t have sperm in my ejaculated fluid?

What are the prognostic factors that can give expectations for the patients?

The duration of infertility; primary or secondary infertility; results of semen analysis; and the age with the fertility status of the female partner.

The cumulative pregnancy rate in infertile couples with 2 years of follow-up and oligoathenospermia as the primary cause of infertility is 27%.

Female age is the most important single variable influencing outcome in assisted reproduction compared to a woman at 25 years old, the fertility potential is reduced to 50% at age 35, to 25% by 38 years and < 5% at over 40 years. 


The history of infertility is very important to analyze the cause and treat it accordingly. The following are important points to visit during the history session: 

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Length of infertility and attempts trying to conceive
  • History of contraception
  • History of family genetic disorders
  • Sexual history including erectile dysfunction, ejaculation problems
  • Psychological conditions
  • Previous medical and surgical history. Particularly ask about past history of diabetes, mumps, prostatitis, hernia repair, vasectomy, testicular torsion, sexually transmitted diseases
  • Previous history of chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Drug history as some medications would have direct or indirect hormonal effects and direct metabolic effects


The examination includes the following:

  1. General examination of weight, and height to asses the BMI and general vital signs.
  2. The general body features examination (secondary sex characteristics and gynecomastia)
  3. Full Andrology hormonal testing and examination
  4. Testicular examination for the anatomical cause of the infertility

Read: Infertility prevention methods

Semen analysis

In the male, semen analysis is the initial investigation. Feature including the following will be studied:

  • Semen volume (ML)
  • Total sperm number and concentration
  • Total and progressive sperm motility (%)
  • Vitality (live sperm)
  • Sperm morphology (normal sperm shape, %)

Repeat semen analysis tests can be undertaken to observe the progression after treatment.

Further andrological investigation may be required.

Other Investigations

Other tests may be required depending on each case:

  • Hormone analysis: FSH level and testosterone are the main tests in case of impaired spermatogenesis. LH, prolactin and free testosterone may also be requested
  • Genetic tests in some cases
  • Ultrasound of the testis and inguinal area
  • Testicular biopsy is the ultimate diagnostic procedure to examine the histological testicular structure and the possibility of finding sperm. The sperm can be extracted in the same time and used in treatment.

Treatment of infertility or subfertility will be according to the findings of the examination and tests requested and guided by the cause

  1. Microscopic Surgery
  2. Plasma Riched Platelet
  3. Stem Cell Therapy

If you are in search of the best andrology clinic in Dubai or an andrologist in Dubai, then call on +97142798200 for consultation with our consultant andrologist. Dubai Urology Clinic -DRHC offers the best urologist for male infertility treatment in Dubai. Our male infertility clinic in Dubai DRHC is headed by a urologist with several years of experience.

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