DRHC Dubai Gynecology Clinic

Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic at DRHC

Dear Madam, we tried to answer the most FAQ about Labiaplasty to help you make up your mind to consider the procedure with comfort and confidence. if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. DRHC is a premium clinic that offers labiaplasty in Dubai.

1. How Can Labiaplasty Help Me?

Labiaplasty is a minor procedure to reshape the appearance of your labia minora or majora. Some times Labia minora protrude outside the labia majora and can cause pain and irritation during sexual intercourse or wearing tight clothes which affect ladies confidence. Labiaplasty is the procedure of choice to adjust the labia minora to the adequate size and shape.

2. Who Does And How Long Does Labiaplasty Take?

The time of Labiaplasty procedure depends on the complexity of the case and whether laser or radio frequency instruments are used. Overall the procedure takes 30-45 minutes. the procedure is done by a specialist in cosmetic gynaecology surgeon who will discuss the details of your case and tell you all about the procedure and recovery period.

3. Will My Labiaplasty Be Done Under general or Local Anaesthesia?

Labiaplasty is considered a minor procedure and can be done under both local or general anaesthesia. Your surgeon will discuss what is better for you and your case. most cases are better done under light general anaesthesia foe the patient comfort and to allow meticulous performance by the surgeon.

4. Will Labiaplasty Affects Me To Have Normal future Vaginal Delivery?

Absolutely no, there will be no effects on normal future vaginal delivery, even if you did not have a baby yet or not married yet.

5. When Can I Return to Work after Labiaplasty?

in most cases, you will be able to return to work within a week, unless your job is significantly physical in which case our surgeon will advise you accordingly.

6. When Is Sexual Intercourse Allowed After Labiaplasty?

This is also another variability depending on the case, but overall it takes 4-6 weeks to resume usual sexual activities.

7. Will Both Labia Be Operated on?

The aim of Labiaplasty is to achieve symmetrical appearance of the labia minora without protrusion, therefore the surgeon may only operate on one side if the issue ia asymmetry or on both sides if the issue is protrusion and enlargements.

8. What Techniques Will My Plastic Surgeon Use?

The surgical technique is almost the same (excision of the excess tissue). normal scalpel can be used and further laser and radio frequency scalpel can bey used to reduce bleeding and swelling post operatively and can also give better pain control post op.

9. How Painful Is labiaplasty surery?

Labiaplasty is almost pain free with the use of advanced techniques and post op pain control medication.

10. How Much Labiaplasty cost?

Labiaplasty cost as a surgical package is approximately AED 15,000 or USD 4,000. This does not include the pre-op consultation and test and the post op medication. for more information, please do not hesitate to contact us on 04-2798200 to book your appointment with our cosmetic gynaecologist specialist.

11. Are There Any Expected complication Or Side Effects Following Labiaplasty?

In our center the risk of minor complication (minor bleeding and swelling) is approximately 1%, no major risk at al

Book An Appointment

Dubai Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic at DRHC now provides leading male and female Gynecologist in Dubai to enhance the service on Cosmetic Gynecology, Surgical Gynecology, Contraception, Menopause and so on. To book an appointment call +97142798200.

