Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Clinic at DRHC
Breast augmentation with implants is now time-tested and one of the commonest plastic surgical procedure performed world wide. The reasons for revision of breast implant surgery can be desire for an upgrade in the size or some medical issue. The Breast implant revision surgery is a tailored surgery which needs to be customized for every individual patient according to her goals and desires. Hence we recommend this surgery be performed by board certified plastic surgeons.
We at DRHC have a complete team to evaluate you with our Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon Doctor. We have inhouse facilities for imaging and diagnostics which will accelerate the procedure for you under one roof.
Medical fitness for surgery will be decided by our experts, so as to assure you the best possible results. You may be advised to undergo imaging like MRI breast, CT Breast, or an Ultrasound of the breasts to evaluate further.
Duration: Daycare procedure in most of the settings. You will go home within 24 hours in most cases.
Anesthesia: General Anaesthesia
Recovery: You will be guided thru the recovery by our team. There may be some drains placed in your breast to remove the blood-mixed fatty fluid, which usually is removed after 1-2 nights. Desk jobs can be resumed within 72 hours. You should be pain-free within a week’s time and resume graded workouts within an additional week. The breasts will need to be supported with a special garment, which will be discussed with you in detail during the consultation. Though you will be able to appreciate the changes immediately, however achieving the final shape takes about one year.
Longevity of Results: Permanent. You will be advised about follow-ups and precautions to be taken. Our team stays with you in your post-surgery journey.