Abdominal imaging is a specialty in radiology examinations which is focused on or related to the whole abdomen or parts of it.
Its basic coverage extends from the diaphragm down to the pubic symphysis or simply saying from the mid-chest area down to the groin area.
It can demonstrate organs such as the liver, stomach, kidneys, spleen, bowels, bladder, uterus (female), prostate (male) and everything else around the abdominal pelvic area.
Abdominal radiology has a close or direct relation with Urology and General Surgeons. It also caters to other specialties from General, Internal, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, Ob/GYN and the rest as long as related to abdominal disorders.
Commonly referred to abdominal imaging are patients with abdominal/pelvic pain, jaundice, palpable abdominal mass, vomiting after eating, check for abdominal obstruction, bloating of the abdomen, sudden loss of weight, abnormal liver function, hypertension, frequent urination, pain in urination, blood in urine, stones, aneurysm in the abdominal aorta, injuries after trauma, infections, pre-surgery planning, post-surgery follow-up and other related to or in suspicion of abdominal disorder.
Abdominal imaging modalities in DRHC Radiology Department include MRI, CT-scan, Ultrasound and X-rays.
MRI offers a routine whole abdomen and pelvic scan with a special procedure of multi-phase Dynamic liver study, MRCP, Urography and Fistulogram.
CT-scan can perform routine plain and contrast of the whole abdomen and a specialty in KUB/Stone Protocol, Oral & IV contrast, and Tri-phase abdominal scan.
Ultrasound can provide still and real-time imaging of all abdominal parts.
An X-ray can do upright and supine views of the abdomen and KUB for stones.