Female Pelvic Floor Disease treatment at Dubai DRHC

Pelvic Dyssynergia - Female Clinic in Dubai DRHC

Pelvic floor dyssynergia or anismus, also known as spastic pelvic floor, is a malfunction of the external anal sphincter and puborectalis muscle.

During defecation, muscles of rectal wall contract, while puborectalis sling and external anal sphincter relax, allowing the rectum to because straight and consequently feces to pass.

anal sphincter

If the puborectalis does not relax, faces are blocked in the upper part of the rectum, get more and more dry and then is even more difficult for them to pass.


First of all, a correct diagnosis has to be performed with visit, digital rectal examination (DRE), anoscopy and, if necessary, anorectal manometry and rectal sensation, tone and compliance test. Colonoscopy is also available if a colon check-up is required. We also offer also endorectal 3D ultrasound, very useful for studying muscular damage after episiotomy and childbirth. In selected cases, we also perform MR defecogram or proctogram, a special magnentic resonance exam performed in order to correctly evaluate pelvic floor prolapses.


We care about medical therapy, suggesting our patients to adopt healthy lifestyle and giving them diet advises in cooperation with our clinic nutritionist and important tips to promote correct defecation habits. When necessary, we prescribe up to date medical therapy.

Biofeedback and pelvic floor rehabilitation are the backbone of therapy of obstructed defecation syndrome and are able to solve patients problems with a 95% success rate.


Surgery for ODS is rarely necessary, but in case is needed, we offer the latest up-to-date minimally invasive techniques like STARR: Stapled TransAnal Rectal Resection.

Most of our surgical minimally invasive techniques are performed in a Day Surgery setting, guaranteeing a short, smooth and painless postoperative course and quick return to daily activities.

Don’t wait until your problems get more complicated, book your visit today!

Book An Appoinment

Call DRHC at +97142798200 for pelvic dyssynergia or puborectalis dyssynergia treatment.

