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Hiatal Hernia, Lap Fundoplication Treatment in Dubai

If you're grappling with discomfort or symptoms linked to a hiatal hernia, lap fundoplication might just be the solution you've been seeking. This cutting-edge and minimally invasive surgical procedure is crafted to effectively tackle hiatal hernia issues, ultimately improving your overall quality of life. Explore more about our inclusive surgical packages and the unparalleled expertise of our thoracic surgeons in Dubai, who are committed to offering you top-notch care and personalized treatment options.

(Nissen, Toupet, Dor)

The Nissen fundoplication is a highly effective surgical technique for treating hiatal hernias. During this procedure, the upper part of the stomach is wrapped around the lower esophagus to create a valve that prevents acid reflux. This innovative approach not only helps alleviate symptoms but also provides long-lasting relief for patients suffering from hiatal hernias. Trust in our snced procedure can benefit you.

The Toupet fundoplication procedure is a specialized lap fundoplication technique that focuses on reinforcing the lower esophageal sphincter to prevent acid reflux and alleviate symptoms associated with hiatal hernias. This innovative approach offers unique benefits, tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient. Our expert thoracic surgeons in Dubai are skilled in performing the Toupet fundoplication with precision and care, ensuring optimal results and a quick recovery. Trust in our team to recommend the most suitable surgical approach for your hiatal hernia treatment, ultimately improving your quality of life.

The Dor fundoplication is a specialized lap fundoplication technique that involves creating a partial wrap around the lower esophagus to address hiatal hernias. This innovative approach is particularly beneficial for patients with severe reflux symptoms, providing targeted relief and improved quality of life. Our skilled thoracic surgeons in Dubai are proficient in performing the Dor fundoplication with precision and care, ensuring optimal outcomes and a smooth recovery process. Trust in our expertise to recommend the most suitable surgical approach for your hiatal hernia treatment, tailored to meet your specific needs.
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Don't hesitate to reach out to us at +97142798200 to book a consultation with the leading thoracic surgeon in Dubai.

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If you are in search of the best thoracic surgery in Dubai or a specialist thoracic & general surgeon in Dubai call +97142798200. DRHC Dubai provides the best thoracic surgeon in Dubai and the best doctor for thoracic surgery in Dubai.


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