DRHC Dubai Proctology Clinic-1

Anal Fistula at DRHC Dubai

An anal fistula (or fistula-in-ano) is an abnormal connection between the anal canal and perianal skin.

It causes a lot of discomfort for the patient with pain, purulent discharge, and anal itching.

Fistula is the result of a perianal abscess. This happens when one gland of the anal canal gets blocked, inflamed, and later on becomes purulent. Symptoms of perianal abscess are intense perianal pain, fever, and sometimes purulent discharge from the abscess if it drains spontaneously.

Then the abscess can heal (in most cases antibiotics and surgical drainage are necessary) or unfortunately becomes a perianal fistula.

Perianal fistula is an abscess transformation when the infection finds its way from the anal canal to the perianal skin.

The anal fistula cannot heal by itself and requires careful surgical treatment because of the delicate anatomy of the anal canal.

In fact, the fistula usually passes through anal sphincters, therefore surgical treatment needs to respect their integrity, in order to preserve the patient’s continence. 

To book an appointment at DRHC Dubai Proctology Clinic you can call us at +97142798200

Symptoms of anal fistulas:

  • Anal and perianal pain, usually worse after a bowel movement 
  • Perianal discomfort
  • Chronic purulent discharge
  • Itching and skin irritation around the anus

anal fistulas

How do we treat an anal fistula?

Careful evaluation with a proctological visit completed with anoscopy and endorectal 3D ultrasound, and in complex cases MRI (magnetic resonance), are mandatory in order to study the fistula tract and its relationship with the anal sphincters.

Anal Fistula Surgery is tailored according to case complexity.

  • Fistulotomy or Fistulectomy: Used for simple and low fistulas, the fistula full length is cut open and let heal
  • Advancement flap procedures: This option is usually performed when the fistula is complex (long, high, and/or recurrent), or if there is a high risk of incontinence. The advancement flap is a piece of mucosa and submucosa taken from the rectum (with an intact vascular pedicle) and transposed over the internal orifice in order to close it.
  • FILAC: Fistula Laser Closure is a precise, minimally invasive, and highly effective method for treating anal fistulas. The success rate of Filac Fistula laser closure is remarkably high, with a success rate of over 90%.
  • VAAFT (Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment) – This is a new technique for treating anal fistula in a real minimally invasive way with nearly no pain and absolutely with no incontinence risk. VAAFT is the only technique that allows us to directly see the fistula tracts and cavities with the fistuloscope and treat them under direct vision with an electrode. The internal orifice can be closed either with a flap or with a stapler. With this technique no seton is used, no painful medications are necessary and there is minimal to no risk of sphincter injury (no incontinence risk).

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Click here for Proctology Surgery Packages

The proctologist at the proctology clinic at our center provides the best diagnosis of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoid treatment, hemorrhoidectomy, and Laser Surgery for hemorrhoids. Call us at DRHC to book your appointment at +97142798200.

