
Epistaxis - DRHC Dubai ENT Clinic

Having a bleeding nose- It can be Epistaxis


The children usually face the problem of nose bleeding or epistaxis. The nosebleeds are generally of mild nature which can be treated easily. However, there are certain cases particularly of elderly people or patients having blood disorders where the bleeding may take a severe turn. Such patients require immediate medical attention if the bleeding continues for more than 30 minutes.


The symptoms of epistaxis start from the entrance of the nostrils, just on the harder and middle part of the nostrils which is called the nasal septum. The patients who suffer from epistaxis have fragile blood vessels which can rupture at any moment without any apparent reason. The common causes include:

  • Picking the nostrils
  • Cold, nasal infections and allergies
  • Minor injury to the nose
  • Nose blowing
  • Use of cocaine
  • Disorder in the platelet function
  • Constant use of anticoagulants and aspirins
  • Abnormalities present in the blood vessels
  • Hypertension

Classification of nose bleeds:

The nosebleeds are classified into anterior and posterior haemorrhage depending upon the bleeding source.

  • Anterior Diagnosis: In this case, the source of the nasal bleeding is visible to all. In nearly 95% of the epistaxis cases, the bleeding originates from the nasal septum.
  • Posterior Diagnosis: Under the Posterior Diagnosis, the nose bleeding emanates much deeper from the nose's structure. This condition commonly occurs in elderly people. The posterior nosebleeds are usually serious and cause a greater risk to the life of the patient as it can lead to airway compromise.


The common First Aid can usually help in stopping the bleeding from the nose.

  • The patient should sit and lean forward, if not faint.
  • The flesh end of the nose should be pinched using the fingers and the thumb to block the nostrils so that the bleeding can be stopped.
  • The cold compress or flannel can be applied on the face and around the nose to stop the bleeding
  • Once the nose bleeding stops, don't pick the nose
  • If the patient faints, make him/her lie flat on the side.
  • But, in case of heavy nose bleeding which does not stop with the first aid, it is advisable to immediately seek medical aid.
  • The doctor may pack the entire nose for the purpose of stopping the heavy bleeding.
  • In case the nosebleed is quite heavy, it may require a blood transfusion for which the doctor may require to perform a surgery for the purpose of stopping the bleeding from the nose.

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