Orthopedic Clinic in Dubai DRHC
Progressive hip subluxation occurs in 50% of children with cerebral palsy. That is because of strong hip adductors and flexors muscles .
Subluxation or Dislocation is in the posterior and superior directions and with time erosive changes in the cartilage of the femoral head can develop and lead to pain and degeneration of the hip joint.
Usually there is pain (with or without movement) at the hip and difficulty with sitting and decreased range of the hip motion, gait difficulties and leg length discrepancy.
X-Ray and CAT scan(computed tomography) with 3D reconstruction are essential for diagnosis and treatment plan. DRHC deals with different types of cerebral palsy. We have record of success stories for the cerebral palsy treatment in babies as well as cerebral palsy in teens.
If you are in search of the cerebral palsy doctor in Dubai or children's orthopedic specialist in Dubai, then DRHC Orthopedic Clinic in Dubai offers you the doctors who specialize in cerebral palsy and with vast years of experience. To schedule an appointment, call +97142798200 and take the first step toward optimal hip health for your child.