Orthopedic Doctor in Dubai DRHC

Cosmetic Foot Surgery at Foot and Ankle Clinic Dubai

Cosmetic foot surgery is a specialized area of podiatry and orthopedics aimed at improving the appearance and functionality of the feet. At DRHC Dubai, we offer advanced cosmetic foot surgery solutions to address various concerns, helping you achieve both aesthetic appeal and physical comfort.

26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles are making this unique functional unit called foot. We use our feet thousands time a day, we wear shoes 12 hours a day sometimes tight and sometimes with unbelievable high heels. Sure, those feet need some care.

Cosmetic foot surgery, a growing field, addresses various aesthetic and functional concerns, including:

Bunions, hammer toes, claw toes, hallux valgus, inappropriate long toe, wide forefoot, nail deformity all cause functional problems as well as bad looking of the feet.
  • So any procedure that can correct these problems will also give cosmetic touch to the feet.

Complications of foot surgeries are:

  • Wound infection
  • Cutaneous nerve injury 
  • Delayed bone union
  • Deformity recurrence
  • Chronic pain at operation site

As an orthopedic surgeon I know exactly about surgery complications ( even if it is in small percentage but it could happen). On the other hand, those who has hallux valgus deformity or claw toes or other foot deformity can’t do sport as he wish and can’t wear shoes as he like and orthotics and toes separators can’t heal the problem, so the surgery is the only solution.

With advanced tools and updated techniques we can do foot surgeries with minimal invasive incisions with good results. The procedure has minimum complications and short recovery period after surgery. 

Why Choose DRHC Dubai?

  • Experienced Surgeons: Our team of highly skilled surgeons has extensive experience in performing cosmetic foot surgeries with precision and care.
  • State-of-the-Art Facility: DRHC Dubai is equipped with advanced medical technology and facilities to provide the highest standard of care.
  • Patient-Centered Care: We prioritize your comfort, safety, and satisfaction, offering personalized treatment plans and attentive post-operative care.
  • Proven Results: Our track record of successful cosmetic foot surgeries speaks for itself, with many satisfied patients enjoying improved aesthetics and functionality.

Book Appointment CTA

Trust DRHC Dubai Orthopedic Clinic for expert cosmetic foot surgery. Contact us at +97142798200 to learn more about how we can enhance the health and appearance of your feet.

