What are the advantages of implants?
Implants replace missing teeth and give the necessary dentures a strong hold through the artificial tooth roots.
They complete individual tooth gaps, without the healthy tooth substance of the neighbouring teeth having to be ground as in the case of a bridge. Implants reduce the bone degeneration in the toothless jaw because they transfer the chewing force to the jaw.
Implants can provide a stronger support for removable dentures. By placing implants, it is often possible to integrate a fixed denture, where otherwise only a removable denture is possible.
Implants replace missing teeth and give the necessary restoration a strong hold.
2- What are the advantages of dental implants?
3- What is against dental implants?
4- Which pretreatments are necessary before dental implant therapy?
5- How is an dental implant placed?
6- What can I do to keep a dental implant as long as possible?
7- How do I clean my dental implants?
8- Why is good oral hygiene so important?