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Thoracic Surgery Clinic-
Thoracentesis at DRHC

Thoracentesis is a medical procedure used to remove excess fluid or air from the pleural space, the space between the lungs and the chest wall. This procedure is typically performed to diagnose and treat conditions such as pleural effusion (accumulation of fluid in the pleural space) or pneumothorax (presence of air in the pleural space).

During a thoracentesis, the patient is usually seated or lying down, and the skin over the chest is cleaned and numbed with a local anesthetic. The healthcare provider then inserts a thin, hollow needle or catheter through the chest wall and into the pleural space. The excess fluid or air is then drained out through the needle or catheter, and a sample of the fluid may be sent to a laboratory for analysis.

Thoracentesis is a relatively safe and simple procedure that can be performed in a doctor's office or hospital setting. It is usually performed under local anesthesia and does not require a hospital stay. However, some patients may experience mild discomfort or pain during the procedure.

In Dubai, thoracentesis is typically performed by healthcare providers who specialize in the treatment of lung conditions, such as pulmonologists or thoracic surgeons. The healthcare providers at the Dubai Thoracic Surgery Clinic, located at the Dr. Rami Hamed Center, have extensive experience in performing thoracentesis and work closely with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients undergoing this procedure.

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If you are in search of the best thoracic surgery in Dubai or a specialist thoracic & general surgeon in Dubai call +97142798200. DRHC Dubai provides the best thoracic surgeon in Dubai and the best doctor for thoracic surgery in Dubai.


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