
Adenoidectomy is a simple day case procedure, done under general anesthesia in a fully equipped OT. The patient will go home same day after 4 hours and the indications for this operation is severe enlargement of the adenoids which block the posterior opening of the nasal passages. This is due to nasal obstruction and mouth breathing and some times block the Eustachian tubes orifices doing hearing loss.
Package includes
- Pre-Operative Anesthesia consultation, blood and other investigations
- Surgeon Fee
- Operating room charges.
- hospital stay room.
- Doctor’s Rounding fees.
- Routine medications used in the procedure & during admission
- Routine laboratory investigations
- Medical Imaging / Radiology
- Routine Medical consumables & Implants
- Two weeks follow up
Package excludes
- Take home medications and items of personal nature are not included
Extra Charge
- Not applicable
Package Cost
- AED 10,000.00
Dubai ENT clinic - If you are in search of ENT specialist in dubai healthcare city, then we can provide experienced and the best ENT doctor in dubai for the healthy treatment with surgical package. DRHC provides all kind of ear and nose surgery in Dubai.