There are a lot of reasons for having your teeth extracted and there are even more ways to replace those missing teeth with an artificial one. One of the ways in which you could replace the teeth you have lost is a Denture.
A denture is the replacement of missing teeth (Removable Partial Denture) or the replacement of the entire teeth in a jaw (Complete Denture).
Dentures are usually removable but with Dental implants being a preferable solution to replacing a missing tooth, Implant supported dentures came to light, and here at the best dental clinic in Dubai; it’s the most preferable treatment for our patients.
Let's start with the Removable Partial Denture which Replaces a single or multiple missing teeth. There are two types of Removable partial Dentures named behind the material being used to fabricate them:
Acrylic removable partial denture: this is fabricated using acrylic, used to replace single or multiple teeth, it is removable and held in position with a help of a clasp that grasps a selected tooth, this acrylic partial denture could also be used after extraction of teeth in order to maintain function and/or esthetics until proper wound healing has occurred and other treatment could be done. It usually involves two visits to be complete. the First visit is where our Prosthodontist will take an impression of both jaws to fabricate a mould (study Cast) then they will draw the design and send to the Dental labs technicians the position and where to place the Clasps, On the Second visit after the arrival of the Denture it will be kept in a place and checked for proper fitting and stability and after assuring that the denture fits properly and is stable with no movement; our Prosthodontist will check the occlusion before providing you with a set of instructions to maintain and clean your new denture.
Cobalt-Chromium Removable partial Denture: this is made from a metal frame, after minimum preparation done to the teeth in order to place the clasps and arms that securely hold this partial denture in position. This type of partial denture has more stability and will also support the teeth where the clasps are placed on. Here at the Dental Department at Dr Rami Hamed Center, our prosthodontist will provide you with this denture in four visits, this number of visits is recommended to assure that you have a properly functioning well-fitting denture. The First visit involves taking an impression to create a study cast on which our Prosthodontist will draw a design of the metal frame that the dental technician should follow after that; minimum removal of tooth structure for certain teeth which will support the clasps will be done and another more accurate impression will be taken. The second visit after getting the metal frame ready from the dental lab it will be tried in your mouth and the stability will be checked also here the shade of the tooth will be selected. The third visit will be to check the occlusion and stability of the denture, the teeth here will be placed on wax and if everything was perfect it will be sent back to the lab to change the wax into acrylic, and then it will be delivered on the fourth visit as acrylic.
The other type of denture is the complete denture which is used to replace the entire teeth in a jaw and here there are also two types :
The process of making a complete denture here at DRHC will take up to 5 Visits and our prosthodontist will work closely with the dental lab to ensure a stable denture:
Are you looking for the best dentist in Dubai or the best dental clinic in Dubai or for a pediatric dentist in Dubai? DRHC provides the leading dentist for dental implants and Cosmetic dentistry. DRHC has one of the best prosthodontists in Dubai. To book your an appointment please call at +97142798200 today!