Neurology Clinic Dubai DRHC

Migraine Prophylaxis Medicines - Neurology Clinic Dubai DRHC

If someone is having more than 4 episodes of migraine in a month and needs painkillers to alleviate the pain, then he or she should take anti-migraine prophylaxis. This is because taking painkillers so frequently can cause significantly more adverse effects than migraine itself. Also, when frequent migraines significantly affect the quality of life, then treatment with migraine prophylaxis medications is always a more effective option than painkillers.

  • Migraine prophylaxis medicines are not pain killers but are scientifically proven diverse groups of medicines that are known to alleviate migraine pain if taken regularly for a certain period.
  • Which medication to choose for which patient depends on several physical characteristics as well as comorbidities. Patient’s age, weight, sex, and associated comorbidities like asthma, sleep disturbances, Glaucoma, and renal stone can affect the choice of migraine prophylaxis medication.
  • Migraine prophylaxis medicines are not pain killers but are scientifically proven diverse groups of medicines that are known to alleviate migraine pain if taken regularly for a certain period.
  • It is very important to discuss with your neurologist the comorbidities as well as the current medications before starting migraine prophylaxis.
  • Generally, migraine prophylaxis medications need to be taken for at least 4-6 months.
  • Injectable migraine prophylaxis medications are new entrants to this space with the advantage of a once-a-month schedule. Along with lifestyle adjustments, they can substantially improve patient outcomes.

Book An Appointment

If you are suffering from severe migraine or headache problems, don't hesitate to consult the specialist neurologist at Dr. Rami Hamed Center. The hospital is situated near Dubai Healthcare City. For Appointments, Call +97142798200.

