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Dr Ahmed Alabed

Dr. Ahmad Khattab

Consultant/ Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine




About Dr. Ahmad Khattab

Dr Ahmad Khattab is a UK trained and qualified Consultant with more than 30 years of experience, most of which was gained in the UK and Gulf. He was awarded his specialty-subspecialty qualifications and board certifications from the UK. He was also awarded two academic degrees “as. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology” at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University KSA, and at Ajman University UAE. Dr Ahmad Khattab has more than 15 research papers published in peer-review journals and presented in international conferences.


Areas of Expertise/ Specialist Services

  • Laparoscopic: Laparoscopic myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids all sizes), hysterectomy (removal of the womb), adhesiolysis (dividing scar tissues), with treatment to endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, salpingo-Oophoectomy, ovarian cystectomy (removal of tube and/or ovary), fimbrioplasty and ovarian drilling to improve ovulation.

  • Hysteroscopic: Trans- Cervical Resection of Endometrium-TCRE (removal of the lining of the womb to treat abnormal bleeding), and Removal of Fibroids/Myoma (TCRM), Endometrial Ablations, Resection of endometrial polyps or fibroids, Resection of uterine septae or adhesions (Asherman’s), Hysteroscopic Tubal Catheterisation& Recanalization to open blocked tubes.

  • Colposcopy: Accredited colposcopist BSCCP/RCOG UK, interpreting abnormal smear results, performing professional Colposcopy examination, taking directed biopsies with see and treat approach when appropriate. Carrying out treatment procedures like cold coagulation for ectropion and large loop excision of the transformation zone LLETZ to treat pre-cancer cervical lesions (CIN).

  • Gynaecology: Performing abdominal total and sub-total hysterectomy ± Oophorectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, vaginal hysterectomy and repair of pelvic organs prolapse, burst ectopic pregnancy, complicated ovarian cyst, repair of burst abdomen, and evacuation of molar pregnancy and delayed miscarriage.

  • Treatment of Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and prescribing prophylactic vaccines.

  • Management of Post-Menopausal disorders with prescribing hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) or alternatives.

  • Contraception: pills, IUCD (coil), insertion and removal of sub-cuticular contraceptive implants.

  • Cosmetic gynaecology: genital area whitening, vaginal and perineal tightening (vaginal re-juvenation) using laser technology with treatment to urinary stress incontinence.

Infertility and Reproductive Medicine

  • Expert and qualified in Assisted Conception (IVF), British Fertility Society.
  • Management of infertile couples for all levels of infertility.
  • Performing and interpreting HSG, diagnostic laparoscopy with dye test (blocked tubes).
  • Treatment of anovulation infertility: laparoscopic ovarian drilling, ovulation induction with scanning for follicular tracking and timing of trigger injection with timed sexual intercourse (TSI) or intrauterine insemination (IUI- artificial insemination).
  • Tubal factor (blocked tubes): laparoscopic adhesiolysis, laparoscopic (fimbrioplasty) or hysteroscopic (Tubal Catheterisation& Recanalization with Resection of uterine adhesions- Asherman’s).
  • Laparoscopic salpingectomy in cases of hydrosalpinx prior to IVF.
  • Special skills in managing infertility cases complicated with fibroid uterus.
  • Expert in treating cases of Recurrent Implantation failure or unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss.

Obstetric Experience:

High-risk pregnancies and deliveries such as eclamptic fits, massive obstetric haemorrhage, cord prolapse and shoulder dystocia, inverted uterus, retained placenta and placenta accreta. Care for women with multiple pregnancies, performing cervical cerclage, vaginal instrumental delivery (forceps, vacuum extraction), vaginal breech delivery, external cephalic version, and internal podalic version for the second twin, pre-term delivery, and repair of third and fourth-degree perineal tears and repair of cervical tears. Expert in difficult caesarean sections such as section for transverse lie, section at full dilatation due to secondary arrest with impacted head, dense adhesions due to previous multiple caesarean sections. Exceptional experience in cases of placenta previa majora and placenta accreta with caesarean hysterectomy with internal iliac ligation (did more than 100 cases of placenta accreta).

Call-out surgery in obstetric catastrophes to help colleagues managing life-threatening haemorrhage, performing caesarean hysterectomy, ligating internal iliac arteries, uterine and ovarian arteries.


  1. Certificate of Completion of Training CCT RCOG UK
  4. Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery: World Association for Laparoscopic Surgeons.
  5. Fellowship in Assisted Conception: British Fertility Society (BFS), UK
  6. Management of Infertile Couple Certificate: RCOG/BFS, UK
  7. Fellowship in Colposcopy: RCOG/BSCCP, UK.
  8. Higher Education Certificate (Obs& Gynae): Damascus University.
  9. MBBS: Damascus University.  

Experience: more than 30 years.

Languages: Arabic and English  

